Who we are

How it all began:


The Camel Reproduction Centre (CRC) was established in 1989 at the request of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai. It's aim was to study all aspects of reproduction in dromedary camels and develop the modern techniques of embryo transfer and artificial insemination for use in camels. Initially, Professor W.R. (Twink) Allen from the Equine Fertility Unit (EFU), University of Cambridge UK, Dr Mike Cooper (Staffs UK) and Lulu Skidmore (EFU) were asked to visit the CRC as consultants to start the project. Subsequently Lulu Skidmore completed a PhD (University of Cambridge) in camel reproduction and has been the Scientific Director of the Centre since 1991.

Camel Reproduction Centre

P.O BOX 79914
Dubai UAE
T 04 2239806
F 04 2238486
