Clients can bring their own donor and recipient camels (preferably 5 recipients per donor) for embryo transfer. All camels are kept at the CRC during the season and their ovaries are monitored regularly by ultrasound. After treating the donor with hormones the client is notified when she is ready for mating, and it is the clients responsibility to find a suitable male and to make sure the donor gets mated, returning her to CRC afterwards. She will be flushed 8 days after mating and any embryos recovered transferred into synchronized recipient camels. Pregnancy is diagnosed after 20 days and monitored up to 60 days at which time the pregnant camels must leave the premises. All pregnant and non – pregnant camel must leave by the end of the season.
There is an open clinic on Monday mornings, 10 am – 1pm when clients can bring their camels for breeding soundness evaluations, fertility checks and monitoring of follicles to decide the most appropriate time for mating. (AED 700- 800)
Clients can bring camels to check their pregnancy status by ultrasound. (AED 600)
Camels with fertility problems are examined by ultrasound and treated accordingly. Cervical and vaginal swabs are taken if vaginal discharges and uterine infections are visible and, in collaboration with the CVRL in Dubai, bacteria and other pathogens can be isolated. (Examination and bacteriology AED 1000).
Semen can be collected from male camels (if they accept the artificial vagina) and volume, concentration, motility and morphology of the spermatozoa analyzed for fertility predictions.
P.O BOX 79914
Dubai UAE
T 04 2239806
F 04 2238486